Discover the Difference of KinSight™ Quantitative Kinome Profiling With a Continuous Assay


Have you ever heard of Anscombe’s Quartet? It emphasizes the significance of data visualization and teaches us that descriptive statistics may not capture the full story behind the data. Learn more about Anscombe’s Quartet and watch AssayQuant’s own Matthew Hakar demonstrate how kinome profiling with a continuous assay enables you to look at the raw data and discover kinetic insights that you may miss with an endpoint assay.

KinSight™ Quantitative Kinome Profiling is powered by our PhosphoSens® technology—a direct and continuous assay format that yields an actual reaction rate determined from dozens of data points. With a complete progress curve in every well, we provide critical information about kinase and kinase inhibitor performance.

Each of our detailed KinSight profiling reports provides more than just % inhibition values, we look at the raw data and provide valuable kinetic insights about mode of action (MOA).

Join Research Associate II Matthew Hakar as he dives deeper into the advantages of continuous assays in kinome profiling.


Meet the Presenter:


Matthew Hakar, Research Associate II

Matthew is a Research Associate II that has been with AssayQuant for almost three years. As the point scientist for KinSight Kinome Profiling, he has helped optimize the service to further your drug discovery efforts.


Scientific Poster: The Advantages of Continuous Assays in Kinome Profiling


See how KinSight Quantitative Kinome Profiling uses a continuous assay format to provide rich datasets.

What KinSight Kinome Profiling Services Provide You

Direct & Continuous

Yields an actual reaction rate determined with high confidence from dozens of data points. Each rate is gathered from duplicate wells, providing accurate and precise determinations.

Variable ATP Concentrations

Profiling can be performed at the ATP Km concentration to maximize compound potency, 1 mM ATP for a physiological correlate, or both to provide important potency and MOA insights.

Informative Kinetic Profiling Report

Our reports provide more than just a list of % inhibition values. This includes annotation of kinetic observations that may identify exploitable modes of action.

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